Tarot Readings
& Psychic Services

In uncertain times when the ground is rumbling beneath your feet or your finger lunges for the reset button, the divinatory arts are your friend.

A reading is the perfect way to reflect and make uncommon sense of whatever is going on for you right now.
With more than a dash of astrology if you’re making plans for your bright future and the wisdom of the craft interwoven, each readings is crafted to support and empower you, no matter what you find yourself wading through.

The present moment is your point of power, the pivot from which your life unfolds. Readings are focused on what is going on for you right now and divine the possibilities in front of you from this perspective. An experienced reader with an extensive background in natural therapies and healing, Kerrie is warm, intuitive and focused.

If you are curious about what the cards hold for you or musing on something going on in your life right now, a reading gifts you fresh perspective by providing clarity and insight. Readings are conducted online via Zoom by appointment. Kerrie has returned to in-person readings on the Northern Beaches of Sydney at Ecotopia in Warriewood on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

Readings with Bohomofo

Crossroads Reading

For those standing at a junction in their lives or with a big decision to make, the crossroads reading offers a unique approach to navigating the threshold.

New Beginning Reading

For those who have taken a fresh leap, we explore the nature of your wings unfurling and the currents you may encounter as you learn to fly higher. Whether personal or professional in nature, the new beginning reading offers clarity, insight and encouragement.

Valley of Death Reading

For those navigating collapse, break up, loss, grief or heartbreak. Tender medicine to balm your heart, craft perspective, cultivate care and bolster your spirit.


For those wanting to harness the power and insight of their dreams, visions and intentions. Perfect for experienced dreamers as well as those just beginning to craft a dedicated dreaming practice, we peer into your visions and scry meaning from their myriad forms.

Curious about how it works?

  • Simply choose your reading length and purchase here. Please indicate your location and timezone so Kerrie can find a spot to suit you.

  • As well as cards and counsel, Kerrie will send you a picture of your cards and a video or audio recording of the session with 24 hours of the conclusion of our session.

  • Please ensure that you are in a clear space where you will be undisturbed for the duration of the session. No other prep is required, though if you have a specific issue it is good to have clear questions to ask at the start of the session.

  • Kerrie's digital door remains open to you before and after your reading. If you have any concerns or enquiries about your readings, please do not hesitate to contact her before or after within reason.

  • A reading is a wonderful jumping off point for shadow work and can often open the door to more learning. You can keep working with Kerrie one on one as a mentor, guide or to deepen your understanding of the issues raised during your reading.

 What’s included in each reading?

Reading Session - 1 hour

An hour reading crafted to explore, explain and inspire. My readings offer insight, wisdom and clarity plucked from the story of your life. Readings include a copy of your cards, any astrology or other references and may be recorded on request.

Reading Session - 1.5 hr

An hour and a half reading crafted to dive deeper, plucking wisdom and clarity from the story of your life. Readings include a copy of your cards, any astrology or other references and may be recorded on request.

The Big Shebang - 2 hrs

A reading and a solution alike for when you really want to dive deeply to examine the patterns and stories at play in your life. Wonderful for crossroads or confusion, wherever you find yourself is where we begin.

Insight and Clarity

My Big Shebang tarot offering is designed as a tool kit to support whatever it is you are seeking to understand, crafting uncommon sense from the events of your life. This two hour session includes (but is not limited to) the following.

Cards of Clear Intention

To frame and shape your present, understand the emotional landscape you are travelling and clear the path for you.


An examination of the mighty forces and cosmic dynamics currently at play, with specific reference to your situation.

Bespoke Ritual

Your choice of ritual or spellcraft as solution to your malaise. Each ritual is crafted just for you during the reading, personalised for the moon phase and your intention. These rituals are designed to be easy to perform and are designed to support you.

This is one on one soul medicine. Readings include a copy of your cards, any astrology or other references and may be recorded on request.

Book your reading