The Coven Electric

Birthed in Scorpio season 2019 just before the world tipped wildly, the Bohomofo Coven Electric is a powerful portal to our personal magics. Our coven is a warm community space in which to deepen your spiritual connection to the worlds you inhabit. We walk with the whole moon cycle, suns and seasons and sabbats as we follow the wheel of the year marked by ritual and spellcraft and deep consideration. This is unashamedly a spiritual self development space focused on practical magic, weaving the transpersonal and the natural world together. Built for the curious and enchanted, all are welcome to explore the otherworlds with us for a month or more.

Coven subscription is for a moon or a season or a year and a day. All witches are welcomed equally, novices and seasoned hags alike. Our community is a connection, sharing and learning space that is safe, inclusive and non-hierarchal.

Membership offers its witches:

  • distinct lunar and astrological insight and content

  • weekly video Channel transmissions

  • fresh spells and rituals every dark and full moon

  • sabbat observances and traditions

  • herbal and plant lore

  • ritual and crafting considerations

  • playlists and cocktail parties

  • first access to magical products

  • discounts on services

  • early bird notifications of events.